At home this morning, when looking at the 1°C temperature, I wondered how many hikers would come out to pick garbage on such a cool day? For the past +-10 years, the Pine Ridge Hiking Club members have cleaned our portion of the Ganaraska Trail during Earth Week. You never know what you'll find when picking garbage. One year, Ted found a shotgun.
I was stunned to see that somewhere around 25 hikers showed up in the Home Hardware parking lot to be divided into 5 groups and sent off on our mission.
I left my camera at home. Anita stepped in and took pictures of me picking garbage. I will be the stand-in for the other 24 hikers.
Our group hit the jackpot and got to clean up the Sylvan Glen section of the trail. This section goes through the Harris property. Not a lot of garbage to be found there.

We had time to check out the new bridge that the Harris family is building using their own cedar trees.

The Ganaraska River is relentless in its eroding of the sandy soil. The bridge needed to be moved downstream from the old one.

And, there I am - hard at work.🥴

Back on the 4th line, the garbage began to speak to us - as garbage does at times.
I guess even trash prefers to be in a dump rather than messing up the trails and roadways.

The Ganaraska Hiking Trail is ⇩ much more beautiful now.

Nice job everyone!